Events App

About Us

Introducing our innovative Events App, designed to enhance your event exploration experience in London, San Francisco, and Barcelona. Developed using NextJS, the app fetches event data from a local database and displays it in a user-friendly interface. Navigate between the events section and the about us section using the header, which, along with the footer, is present on all pages.

Explore events in each city by selecting a location, or view all events in a stylishly designed page accessible from the header. For more information on an event, click on it to access a detailed description and an email input field for registration. Emails are securely saved in our local database, with an alert system in place for used or invalid email formats.

Skills Learned

Our Events App showcases an extensive range of acquired skills and knowledge, including mastery of NextJS and its powerful features. During development, we leveraged dynamic imports, server-side rendering, and static site generation to optimize performance and ensure a smooth user experience. Additionally, we gained expertise in utilizing NextJS's built-in API routes to create serverless functions, enabling seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components. Furthermore, we delved into back-end work, designing and implementing APIs to establish a reliable connection between the front-end and the local database. This integration facilitated the smooth retrieval, storage, and manipulation of event data, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date information. This project allowed us to expand our technical skill set, enhancing our proficiency in NextJS, API development, back-end architecture, and front-end/database integration, while also refining our abilities in user interface design and error handling.